Sierraform GT is a high performance range, designed for use on high quality, fine turf throughout the year. Each granule contains conventional and slow-release nutrient sources for consistent and sustained release patterns.
Sierraform GT Benefits:
• Slow release nitrogen and potassium for consistent and sustained results
• Even spread at ultra-low application rates
• Granules break down and disperse quickly
• Slow-release nitrogen and potassium benefits root development and stress tolerance
Areas for use: Greens, Tees, Fairways & Stadia Pitches
Product Analysis: 22-5-11 + 2MgO + TE
Granule Dispersal: 2-3 days
Turf Response: 7 days
Longevity: 6-8 weeks
Application Rate: 20-30g/m²
Pack Size: 20kgs
Areas for use: Greens, Tees, Fairways & Stadia Pitches