
We offer a comprehensive agronomy package including full data capturing, soil analysis and organic matter content.
Robert Patterson, formally Royal Aberdeen Golf Club, works alongside groGreen to test and provide data to turf manager in order to allow them to make data driven decisions.

Our Services


We are delighted to offer an in depth data capturing service. The modern Course Manager/Head Greenkeeper is constantly having to make decisions in order to produce the highest quality playing surfaces year round. Gathering readings and pulling these together into one easy to understand report can help identify areas to focus on and create specific achievable targets for the improvement of playing surfaces. Data also helps to justify certain operations to the ever more demanding golfer.


In order to build a nutrition programme that will create the results required by the modern turf manager it’s important to understand our soils.

A soil test every two years would be recommended to highlight any nutrient deficiency or in some cases more than ample nutrient being available and therefore little point applying more. The Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC) is also part of this test which will show how well a soil holds onto nutrients; a vital consideration when choosing the correct products and application frequency in a nutrient programme.


Working with European Turfgrass Laboratories Ltd. (ETL) we are able to offer a wide range of testing services including soil organic matter testing (4 x 20mm increments) and golf green health indexing.

ETL is an A2LA-accredited laboratory (Geotechnical – Putting Green Materials) and only 1 out of 10 in the world on the USGA approved list of physical soil testing laboratories.

Accreditation involves a two yearly visit from an A2LA assessor to review quality procedures and ASTM compliance.

Get in touch

2 Lauderside, Lauder Place,
East Linton, East Lothian,
EH40 3DB
1 Cheviot House,
East Lothian,
EH41 4EX
© 2025 groGreen | All Rights Reserved | Registered in Scotland SC488228.