An easy to apply biological fungicide.
Companion benefits:
• Directly competes against soil-borne pathogens by quickly colonising a plant’s root hairs with beneficial bacteria, creating a ‘shield’ to protect plants.
• Produces strong metabolites that make the root hair environment hostile to other bacteria and fungi.
• Creates a highly beneficial Induced Systemic Resistance (ISR) by stimulating the plant’s phytohormones and natural immune system to better resist stress.
• Acts as a Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacterium (PGPR) that stimulates rooting and better overall growth.
• Contains gram-positive (spore forming) bacteria which survive in even extreme environmental conditions including heat and drought, making it a durable and reliable product that turf managers can trust.
• Rich organic solution acts as a food source to help the Bacillus subtilis multiply
Application Rate: 4-10L/Ha
Water Volume: 300L/Ha
Pack Sizes: 4L
Areas of use: Greens, tees, fairways, sportsfields, stadia pitches